Monday 11 October 2021

SEARCHING - Learning day 1


Do you think searching is easy?

YES! but...         

12/10/2021 | Nikhil Komalla 


Our ancestors had to invest lots of time to get some information, they still are not sure whether the information is latest and reliable.

This present world is full of information!

Thanks to the internet, it connected us to this world, now we have information at our fingertips.

With the access to worldwide information, it sometimes makes us feel like the biggest advantage! But, actually today, I realised that it actually creates more doubts if we have more information available...

        So, what to do??

Today and long back, I learned something interesting, which is a simple but powerful way of getting right information.

1.  Have a goal clarity! 

When we are having clarity on what to search for, we will be able to eliminate the information which is unwanted...

Ex: One might have experienced this atleast once in your lifetime. A persongo to search for something about a topic and gets attracted to the other thing and get deviated from the goal. In youtube, this happens most of the times!

2. Use keywords + Ctrl+F (Find)

When we use keywords and Ctrl+F, we will be able to jump into the area which is important to us. This mostly will be helpful when we have less time or when we need to skim through something.

Ex: Getting to know the abbreviation in a document.


3. Search in the right resources!

We can believe in information that is documented. we cannot depend on a personal comment, as we might end up being confused about the topic if we are new to it. Sometimes, we can ask people whom we think have experience in that area, as it will reduce your time.

Ex: News papers differ in the way they express, as the opinion differ, mostly of the time relying on news papers is not a good idea.


DO YOU HAVE ANY INTEReSTING searching learnings? 

comment below!


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