Monday 7 June 2021

My Hydrogen Story

I just want to share a real story, a story that made me believe in my dream of seeing the world run on a sustainable solution.

Here, when I say sustainable, I mean the use of Hydrogen as a fuel.

Let me begin the story!

It's really a very powerful source. 

What's the sun made up of?
Hydrogen and Helium.
The Sun is a main-sequence star and thus generates its energy by nuclear fusion of hydrogen nuclei into helium. 
At its core, the Sun fuses 500 million metric tons of hydrogen each second.

The earth on which we are living now was once formed from Sun. Implies Earth is initially made up of Hydrogen and helium, they being the lightest gases they tend to evaporate into space. 

The remaining elements, carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen are the most abundant. This is due to the fact that the main fusion reaction in large stars is the CNO cycle, which produces these elements as a by-product. These react easily with other elements and produce gases like water (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), and ammonia (NH3). 

Producing water from hydrogen is not a new idea. We all are witnessing the water on earth.
So this using of hydrogen and producing water as a byproduct is an idea from nature.
That's what makes this idea different.

We are not polluting anything. We are using the process which the universe does and making it useful to humankind.

We feel that this process of using will be the best way to reduce pollution and have zero-emission vehicles on road.

Stay tuned to witness the zero-emission vehicles...

This happened on 8th May 2020, The day started with a drowsy mood.

I was not able to concentrate on anything. I switched on a TV and started watching a movie where a young girl used water as fuel to run a vehicle. The movie connected me with the hydrogen project which I have been working on for the past 3 years. Then, I don't know why my hand went on to the knowledge category and I switched to the discovery science channel. It was around 10pm the show's name was "how the universe works". Just in a minute, they were mentioning that the sun made of hydrogen and helium. The hydrogen word just got struck my mind.

And then I started writing something, that is the story I narrated a minute ago!

I just felt the universe conspired to let me know the purpose of me looking at hydrogen and I felt like it's wow day!

8 May 2020 memorable!

Watch it in this youtube video

Have an exciting week!

Activity to inspire you (others) to think about Sustainability

I will ask the team to grow a plant (that needs water) with 150 mL of water bottle. Within few weeks, they observe the plant stops growing a...